Grateful Interuptions



After a Covid diagnosis this month, life as I knew it came to a screeching halt.   With the vaccine in my arm, and a mask when required attitude, I tried to run my life as if Covid wasn’t going to catch me. Wrong!  For the rest of the month, the calendar commitments would not be happening, and the focus turned to getting myself well. We all know that everything takes a back seat when our health could be in jeopardy.  I took this as seriously as possible, and got to work on doing my part to heal.    The truth is that I truly get scared to death when I hear someone has Covid, and here we are – it is “Inside the house!”   I have had all the conversations with the “non-vac” folks who believe it isn’t real, why do we want to make big pharma even richer, and all of the other reasons NOT to get vaccinated.   I make my own decisions, and the way I have felt about it is, that by having the vaccine, I wasn’t going to die.  That gave me great comfort as I went through the process. I thought I knew what quarantine was like – heck isn’t that what we did most of 2020 and part of 2021 before we received our vaccines? Living on a ranch, miles away from everything is what I do at least 60% of my time anyway. The other 40% of my time is about as social as one could be I suppose.   In airport and airplanes, busy restaurants, interacting with a large group of people at conventions or meetings.  Hotel rooms with other ladies, grandkids, kids and their friends, concerts-in other words, not concerning myself with Covid. So, 2 weeks of “real” downtime have given me a new prospective on the basics of some really important things.  Luckily my husband tested negative and we were able to keep it that way during and after quarantine.  Operating from different parts of the house was a real challenge – with him yelling from afar “Howdy Neighbor” as we tried to find humor in our situation.   I cooked dinner in a mask, and kept the Lysol handy for anything I might have touched that he would use. Stupid things that took place – No makeup for 2 weeks – for many, maybe not a Biggy, but for me, makeup makes me feel dressed and complete.  I popped off the fake nail’s day one, took off toe nail polish – Sounds stupid right, but I guarantee polish has been on my toes for the better part of the past 30 years.  Since I haven’t started my car, the engine has gotten a nice rest. My hair hasn’t felt heat or hairspray; Sleep has been plentiful, water has been the drink of choice, of course no alcohol, and without taste or smell, I seem to be down 6 lbs.   I’ve worked on my Spanish, taken time to write, watched a few movies, but most of all, I did nothing but allow my body to heal from this disease. I am so thankful for good health – go get your Vaccine!!

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